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People of Colour Swatches





Acrylic, printed paper, website, photographs


'People of Colour Swatches' solo show

Woollahra Gallery at Redleaf curated by James Dorahy

Key Questions

Is cultural diversity in our close circles important?

What do we gain by having greater diversity in our social circles?

What do we miss by not having diversity in our social circles?

Does the colour of someone's skin really influence their experience in life?

How do we think more reflectively more often about diversity in our lives?

Description of the work

People of Colour Swatches is an interactive exhibition consisting of 16 different skin colour swatches housed in a mirrored acrylic display wall with an accompanying website and limited edition photographic prints.


Audiences are invited to scan a QR code which takes them to a website where they can participate in a free "colour & influence design consultation".


On this website they are given five prompts and asked to select swatches from the wall in response. The prompts include "You", "Your partner or recent love interest", "Your best friend", "Your boss" and "Your favourite celebrity". 


These swatches form a colour palette that reflects an individual's personal sphere of influence, encouraging them to reflect on the diversity (or lack of diversity) in their life.


The work is styled after paint swatch walls found in hardware stores such as Bunnings and uses humour and interactivity to illicit critical reflection about diversity, inclusion and representation.

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