Time Peace
Digital artwork
'Spirit Wave' group show curated by Cassandra Hard-Lawrie
Key Questions
What is the relationship between time and wellness?
Why do you think corporates have wellness programs? What are the benefits?
Are there any alternatives to workplace wellness programs?
How does transcending time help with time management?
Description of the Work
Nine digital mandalas morph into one another on an endless video loop to the sound of Tibetan singing bowls being gently struck. As the abstract forms move in fluid motion the participant is eased into a meditative state of calm and relaxation. Each mandala initially appears as a symmetrical abstract shape, yet on closer inspection it is possible to decipher familiar forms. An Apple Watch, a metronome, a stop watch, an egg timer, an hour glass, a kitchen timer and a wall clock reveal themselves. These images of timekeeping devices have been rendered into a wellness trope, commonly believed to help transcend or slow time.